PowerSchool Plugins

PowerSchool Plugins

PowerSchool Plugins

Our team specializes in developing PowerSchool plugins that can enhance the already impressive features of PowerSchool SIS. We offer a range of pre-built plugins for you to choose from, or we can work with you to create custom plugins tailored to the specific needs of your district.


PowerSchool Behavior Management (PBIS) Plugin

Enhanced PowerSchool log entry feature to allow teachers and admins to create multiple student logs, send email notifications and track consequences. 

  • Log Entry: Create log entries for students for any log type (positive behavior, negative behavior, contact, etc.) – The “Teacher Log Entry” function allows a user to create multiple log entries for multiple students in one location.
  • Referrals: Create a Referral to signal the escalation of a behavior to a dean or administrator – Streamline Referral tracking through open and closed referral reporting.
  • Email Notifications: Send email notifications to the student, guardian, teacher, and dean(s).
  • Consequences: Track and manage consequences – Automatic conversion of negative points to a consequence. 
  • Student Profile:  View all relevant academic, attendance, and behavioral data for a student in one location.
  • Reports: View current and historical log entry data by date, teacher, grade level, student group, and more.




PowerSchool Behavior Log Entry and Dashboard




PowerSchool Attendance Tardy Scan and Dashboard




PowerSchool Attendance & Tardy Scan Plugin

Enables schools to streamline attendance procedures, improve communication with families, and ensure accurate student records directly in PowerSchool. No External application is required.

In a matter of seconds, one scan will:

  • Daily Attendance: Create/update the Daily Attendance records for a student, including the “time in” and “time out.”
  • Meeting Attendance: Create/update the current and missing period(s) attendance records, including the teacher’s comments and meeting Clock In/Out for accurate minutes per class. 
  • Log Entry: Create a log entry with details of the attendance scan.
  • Email Notifications: Send email notifications to the student, parent/guardian, homeroom teacher, and current class period teacher.
  • Consequences: Track and manage scaffolded consequences.
  • Tardy Slip: Print a tardy slip/pass.





PowerSchool Google Apps Integration

Automate the process of creating and syncing student and staff email accounts in Google apps. With the PureData integration module, you can:

  • Create student and staff email accounts automatically from PowerSchool – No need for manually creating email accounts.
  • Sync Groups and OU membership such as all students, grade levels, and all staff – Makes it easy for users to send group emails and apply policies.
  • Sync teacher classes and student rosters in Google Classroom – One-way roster sync from PowerSchool to Classroom.





PowerSchool sync with Google





Sync PowerSchool SIS with Microsoft Azure



PowerSchool SIS and Microsoft Azure Active Directory integration

Automate the process of creating and syncing student and staff email accounts in Microsoft Azure AD. With the PureData integration module, you can:

  • Create student and staff email accounts automatically from PowerSchool – No need for manually creating email accounts.
  • Sync Groups and OU membership such as all students, grade levels, and all staff – Makes it easy for users to send group emails and apply policies.






PowerSchool Students At Risk/Early Warning Dashboard

Empowering school leaders with instant access to current school performance data identifying at-risk students to better help school teams design and implement targeted ghostwriter österreich, time-effective interventions for student success.

Our Early Warning Dashboard supports school leaders to:

  • Increase transparency and share performance and progress data with key stakeholders 
  • Design timely interventions for the specific and unique needs of each student
  • Determine root causes, trends, correlations, or outliers related to school progress
  • Progress monitor and course-correct at any facharbeit schreiben lassen point in time to support school initiatives and programming
  • Involve and invest other key team members in the reflection, analysis, and goal-setting process




Student Early Warning

PowerSchool Student Profile with student tip generated with AI




PowerSchool Student Profile with AI


Introducing PowerSchool student profile, with this innovative tool, you can bring all your student data into one convenient place, making it easier ghostwriter doktorarbeit for you to stay informed about their progress and performance.

With the help of Open AI technology, PowerSchool student profile generates motivational tips tailored to each individual student, based on their current performance präsentation erstellen lassen. The tips are designed to encourage and support student growth, so they can reach their full potential.

Plus, you have the option to email the profile to both the student and guardian, keeping everyone informed and involved in the student’s progress.









Build your own PowerSchool Customization

If your district has specific needs that are not met by PowerSchool, we can help. Our team specializes in building custom pages and plugins tailored to your school’s requirements ghostwriter seminararbeit. Simply reach out to us and we’ll work with you to create a customized solution in no time.






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