K-12 Reporting and Analytics

K-12 Reporting and Analytics

Our school dashboards are designed to answer specific question, improve school performance and provide a total visibility into your data:

  Powerful analytics so you can spot trends and track growth.
✓ Automatically bring data from student systems into our Data Warehouse.
Customized dashboards to meet your needs. 
Get summary emails to always stay up to date.

Data Quality Tracker

Proactively monitor your data to identify any errors in your systems. 

  • Helps you and your operations team find and fix incomplete, unreliable and unidentified data points.  
  • Builds trust with your data.
  • Proactively monitor for 100% accurate information. 

District Overview

Proactively monitor your data to identify any errors in your systems. 

  • Provides overview of your district.
  • Track progress on your strategic plan.
  • Monitor and improve performance on your state accountability system
  • Share progress with your team, school  board and community. 


Identify enrollments of incoming and outgoing students so you can make sure your schools are prepared to meet all your students nee.  

  • Know where you student lives. 
  • Use google maps to connect with your community. 

Attendance Overview

Proactively monitor your data to identify any errors in your systems. 

  • Evaluate your attendance rates across the year with historical data. 
  • Track attendance growth rate per homeroom and grade level. 
  • See when absences are the highest and develop targeted strategies to increase attendance during these periods of the school year. 


Get at a glance understanding of how your teachers are grading across courses and sections. 

  • Designed to get a drill down distribution of grades. 
  • Find out exactly where students are underperforming.
  • Help you save time and better understand your grades data. 

Student Performance

Identify student performance and track warning signs that help you predict whether a student is at risk to dropout. 

  • Proactively work with low performing students. 
  • Assess averages across schools, demographics, and home room.  


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